How we started? - In 1993 our company owner Sevginar Feyzula, started the retail business of BirSé shops in Bulgaria, Sofia, 26 Graf Ingatiev street. Ever since we have dominated the Graf Ignatiev street with our presence - one of the retail streets of Sofia.
The demand for our goods steadily increased since we established a retail website for our brand. After the record sales in our website and retail shops in 2018 we have decided to expand our operations by creating a wholesale division. This helped us keeping in stock high quantities of products that are constantly demanded.
The start was hard for the wholesale division because most colleagues are reserved towards wholesalers in Bulgaria. However every customer who has given us a chance has been with us ever since because we offer only designs that are easily sold as we know the demand in the market from first hand - our retail customers. In this way we manage to stay always first in trends and provide the most wanted goods exactly when they are needed.
Our vision is to make the wholesale market a different place. We are offering something much more than just Buy - sell method. We are aiming to increase your sales the moment you buy from us. Birse provides innovative approaches towards increasing your sales and decreasing your expenses at the same time.
Contact us and be part of our family!